Why Should I Sign Up?
Receive text messages on your phone immediately when:
- Items you requested are ready for pickup.
- Items you are borrowing are overdue.
Use your phone to text the library to:
- Renew your items
- Display Fines and Fees
Shoutbomb has features to make managing your account easier:
- Send and Receive texts in English or Spanish.
- Receive notices on multiple library cards.
What Do I Need To Sign Up?
Signing up is totally free! Standard text rates apply. Shoutbomb will only work with phones
that can receive SMS messages (most smartphones should qualify)
How To Sign Up Using Your Cell Phone:
1. Using a phone that can send text messages to an e-mail address.
2. Text the word SIGNUP to aspencat@shoutbomb.com. (To receive your messages in Spanish, use REGISTRESE instead of SIGNUP)
3. You should receive a reply asking for a library card number.
4. Text your library card number.
5. You should receive a reply asking for a PIN.
6. Text your PIN.
7. You should receive a confirmation text with an email request. (Responding with your
email address is optional.)