Multipurpose Room South

Maximum Capacity
Library Branch
Lone Cone Library
The South Room is available for rent as an individual space at the following rates (for combined room rates below are doubled): 0-4 Hours of Use: Non-Profit Registered Entity $20 Private Use $30 For-Profit/Public Event $40 4 Hours or More Use: Non-Profit Registered Entity $40 Private Use $60 For-Profit/Public Event $80 There is a divider wall that separates the North and South Rooms. In the photo below, the South room is on the left. With this room, you can also reserve the catering kitchen for a $25 additional fee and the pantry (dishes) for an additional $25 fee. Access to television, sound system, and microphone are available with a $25 audio/visual access fee. This room is subject to a $100 deposit for use. Any alcohol service is subject to an additional $100 deposit, insurance and applicable city license if required. *All rooms may be subject to a $20 cleaning fee per individual room.
For the banquet layout, the whole multi-purpose room can seat 108 comfortably with six people per table. In each half of the room, the room can seat 54 comfortably with six people per table. For the theater style layout, the room can seat 144 people in the whole multi-purpose room, or 72 people in each half.